FAQs (Staff)

1. How do I lodge a report regarding damage?

You can make a complaint through the MyUPSI Portal. Please refer to the user procedure/manual.

2. How do I make reservations for halls, spaces and equipment?

You can make reservations through the MyUPSI Portal. Please refer to the Venue,Equipment and Decorations for Events/University Events Preparation Services Application Guideline.

3. How do I apply for the hanging of banners/buntings?

You can apply by filing out an application form for the hanging of banners/buntings. The form can be downloaded form the DDAM website ( or visit us at the following location:

Office of Administration, Finance and Assets
Level 6, E-Learning Building.

FAQs (Visitor)

1. How do i make an application to rent a booth, hall, equipment and hang banners/buntings in UPSI?

Application can be made by writing a letter to:

Department of Development and Asset Management
Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
35900 Tanjong Malim
Perak Darul Ridzuan
Phone : +605 450 5982
Fax : +605 458 2778

2. What are the procedures for the purchase of tenders?

Please referto the Participation Procedures for Tenders.

3. How can I find out about the latest tender?

You can visit this website or visit us at the following location:

Office of Administration, Finance and Assets
7th Floor, E-Learning Building